It will be nice for this election to be over…I can’t count how many times in the past month the prospects I have talked with have used it as an excuse to put off making a decision….”Oh, after the election we will be in a better position to make a decision”…or, “We are waiting to see who wins before we book a trip to Naples to look at real estate…” and so on and so on. You get the picture. My years of experience tells me that after the election true buyers will buy regardless of who wins; and the not-so-true buyers making excuses will find another excuse…so, who wins is not really an issue with them anyway.
It will be nice to reclaim a little peace and quiet at the end of the day without the evening news blaring the moment I walk in the door…and whomever is placing the candidates’ signs in our front yard after dark each night will need to find another prank to pull…
It will be nice when the water cooler discussions are about great condo buys and football again, ~and dinner conversations with friends and family alike go back to talking about holiday plans & vacations, diets & health issues…grandchildren…yes, that will be nice…
It will be nice when all the t.v. political commercials are finally over…and all the signs around town come down…(except the For Sale signs of course)…Hmmmm…I wonder why it is that I am only allowed one open house sign on a property when I’m trying to earn a living on a Sunday, but dozens of candidate signs litter the landscape during election time…
It will be nice…