I will be the first to admit that blogging has taken a back seat this season to customer service, as it should. WE HAVE BEEN BUSY!!!! As always, it is my intention to get the word out there about what is happening the in local real estate market...to talk about select vendors that we've had success with...to share rental opprtunities, news of new restaurants and fun places in town to recreate & relax...I've
Read MoreEveryday people ask, "What's going on in the Naples Real Estate market"? This isn't a 'one size fits all' question. As always, each market segment, both geographically as well as price-point has its own set of rules and trends. Earlier today I was showing condos along the beach. When they didn't like anything I had selected for them, they let me know they'd be patient and would wait for a short
Read MoreTo quote a character from one of my all time favorite stories, "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!" This is exactly what Chip and I have been saying, all too often lately, to Customers, Friends, Family, Inspectors, Photographers...You name it, they've waited for us. I am never late, so for me, this is quite a new experience...Chip on the other hand, notoriously triple books, but somehow manages to keep everyone happy and everything
Read MoreThe Naples Area Board of Realtors 2012 Annual Report The Naples Area Board of Realtors 2012 Annual Report was recently released with some good information about sales within the greater Naples area. This report tracks and provides comparisons of both single family homes and condos sales in 2011 and 2012, and breaks them down into price ranges and location segments. Here are some of the *statistics which I found to be particularly noteworthy:
Read MoreWhy local real estate values are not just "local" to Naples in general, but also why each community and price point has its own trends based on supply and demand: I've been showing property to a very nice couple who are looking to be in a golf course community in the Naples area in a single family home priced somewhere between $1 million to $1.5 million dollars. Of course, there are
Read MoreStrong Summer Sales in Naples Florida Recently released statistics show strong summer sales abound in Naples Florida. As reported in the Naples Area Board of Realtors Market Report, all three categories documented: Pendings, Closed Sales, and Median Sales Price showed increases for the 12 month period ending July 2012. Comparing July 2012 to July 2011 it is clear to see positive signs in every price point. Those sales posted in all pricing categories over $500,000 range
Read MoreMay 2011 vs. May 2012 Well, here it is, the 1st of another month. Time flies when you're having fun! May has been a very good month all the way around. We took a few well priced, saleable new listings...we showed homes to some fabulous customers and wrote a few offers...negotiated a few sales...and managed a few days off, including presently being on our boat, bringing her home from the
Read MoreAnyone who has ever gone away on vacation can attest to the "Law of Murphy" which states something along the line of ..."just book a vacation then see how busy you get a few days before leaving"...Imagine if we all worked at that level of production all the time, think of how much we would all get accomplished! That is exactly how I feel I've been working lately...like there's some kind of crazy feeding frenzy going on! All
Read MoreHave you made your "list" and checked it twice? As any of you who know me well know, I am a list maker...I have lists for everything! The everyday "To do" list The "I never go to the Grocery Store without a" list The Books I want to read list The Birthday and anniversary cards for the month ahead list The Things that need to get done around the house
Read MoreThe power of being thankful...it's not your typical real estate blog post... I started keeping a journal when I was a teenager, although back then it was called a diary. Having moved from New York, to New Jersey, to California, to Texas, to finally Naples, many of those 'Notes To Myself' have been lost...or buried in boxes in storage...or simply read & re-read a few times before making their way
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