Excellence is a Habit

Posted on March 21, 2008

“We are what we repeatedly do.Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle Chip Harris & Michele Peppe are proud to announce that recently at their annual awards banquet, they were awarded the distinction of being named the top listing and selling agents at the prestigious Coldwell Banker Previews office on Fifth Avenue South in Naples for 2008. They were also named as one of the top 10 agents for Coldwell Banker in the region, as well as in the top 100 of all agents statewide! “Chip and I believe our success can be credited to a number of factors; but mostly it is our commitment to hard work, integrity and customer service. Our market knowledge is stems from our 40+ years of experience selling the Naples’ lifestyle…and we want to put this experience to work for you! Please call us today.” While past results may not be the only measure of success, for Harris Peppe Wells, excellence has become a habit!